Transforming Old Airport without Investment-Improving Service Delivery Parameters using Theory of Constraints

The Challenge (Before)

Long passenger queues, no clarity on time to reach boarding gate, utter confusion outside and inside the terminal. Frustrated Passengers, crying babies, clashing among passengers and airport staff.

Before Intervention: Crowded Airport Terminal
Key Statistics before the Intervention:

20 x Design Capacity Overload ⚠️

45 Min to enter The terminal ⏳

30% Trolley Availability πŸ›’

1Hr 20 min to Reach Boarding Gate ⏳

Passenger Satisfaction: 2.5/5 😞

The Results (After) Strategic Intervention

After Intervention: Organized Airport Terminal
Key Statistics After the Intervention:

10Min Entry (78% faster)⏳

95% Trolley AvailabilityπŸ›’

30 Min to Boarding Gate(63% Faster)⏳

Passenger Satisfaction: 4.6/5😊

Global Recognition & Impact

After our intervention, the airport was awarded β€œ2nd Best-Managed Airport in Asia” and, in the second year, it has remained the 1st Airport in Service Delivery Parameters among its size of airports in Asia for 9 years in succession.

Some Testimonials from Passengers:
  • I actually enjoy coming here now!
  • World Class Service with limited resources
  • Breeze to move through the Airport Terminal

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